school pleasure reading comparison

As I said in class, I noticed a few things.

1) I should have included more kinds of readings, at least work reading, and quite possibly news reading (which I lumped into pleasure reading, though it’s not really that.)

2) That one spike when I was researching two projects at once has shown me that I need to juggle things better.

3) I tend to read for pleasure at meals (at least while taking classes.) Even when I had free time this term, I didn’t spend much of it reading. I think that was a change from before I started this program, but I’m not sure.

4) I wonder about the time of day I did these readings. I feel like I did most of the school reading in the mornings, but I don’t know for sure.

5) When I was reading for pleasure, I was mostly re-reading books I enjoyed. I don’t know why. Maybe it;s because I didn’t feel like I had enough time to spend it on a new book that I may not like.

Overall, taking a look at one of my habits was interesting and it has made me think not just about how much I read, but the patterns of my reading.